Strauß & Fliege speakers create your individual international wedding ceremony. They will travel wherever the couples like them to go.
We have been in Spain, on the Portugese shore, in Brittany, on Sardinia in Italy and of course in Austria and Switzerland. Let us know where you want us to be and we’ll be there!
These languages we can offer you: English | Español | Italiano | Português | Français | Svenska | Hebrew
Feel free to approach us with your questions via the contact sheet at the end of the page.
Together we can evaluate how we help best in organizing a ceremony for ALL your guests.

My husband Paul and I got married in a manor house near Bristol, England.
And – hands down – it was the best day of our lives. A huge contributing factor was our wonderful and charming master of ceremony, Carola, from Strauß & Fliege.
Mani & Paul
Auch der zwei- bzw. dreisprachige Aspekt unserer Beziehung war absolut kein Problem für unsere Rednerin von Strauß & Fliege. Deutsch, Englisch und sogar ein bisschen Französisch wurden bei jedem Gespräch eingebaut und haben keine Hürde dargestellt.
Sabine & Vincent
Strauß & Fliege international wedding ceremony
Our speakers love to create a wonderful international wedding ceremony for you: personal, individual and based on your own story. Read more about our experience in our blog!
The most important thing for us is that you have sympathy for the speaker you choose. So before you and your speaker will begin to work with each other you will meet him or her.
Dont wait any longer: Just leave us a message with all your questions. We get back to you as soon as possible!
your Strauß & Fliege Team